How To Choose A Robot Vacuum For High Thresholds?
How To Choose A Robot Vacuum For High Thresholds?
A seemingly small design detail, thresholds serve a couple of purposes, both practical and aesthetic, in modern homes. Entry door thresholds, that is, your home’s front, side and back doors, are typically higher to prevent water leaking into the home in the event of a flood. Meanwhile, door thresholds between interior rooms (otherwise called “door bars”) serve as visual transitions between different floor types, temperature retainers to stop cold or hot air from entering a r
Auto-Empty Robot Vacuum: Is It Worth It To Get One?
The simple answer is: yes. Whether you live in a large house or small apartment, living with your family or by yourself, we all desire to have someone else handle the household tasks. That’s why robot vacuums are popular. The world’s first commercially available autonomous vacuum cleaner was released in 2001. Two decades later, robot vacuum has advanced significantly over time to become a cutting-edge floor cleaner with a variety of intelligent functions. Facing these powerful functions, plen
Why People With Disabilities Should Buy A Robot Vacuum? (And How To Choose)
Many people are familiar with the feeling of procrastinating cleaning because it feels troublesome and repetitive. But for individuals with limited mobility and physical disabilities, a whole other set of challenges can stand between the desire to maintain an organised living space and the act of doing it. Whether it’s visual impairments, people who use wheelchairs, or those who live with chronic pain, traditional vacuum cleaners can be cumbersome, necessitate excess physical effort or sim
How To Keep Your Smart Home Devices Secure & Private?
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to connecting physical objects to the internet so that they can communicate with each other and with us. These objects can be anything from your TV, lightbulb or even your fridge, fitted with software that allows them to collect and exchange data. For example, picture your alarm clock waking you up in the morning and then sending a signal to your coffee maker to start brewing a pot of coffee as your bedroom blinds automatically open. Or, imagine a smart the
How Does A Robot Vacuum With Camera Work?
Did you know robot vacuums only started using cameras in 2015? Prior to that, they used low-cost infrared and collision detection sensors to detect obstacles, dumbly moving around a room at random. It was only in the last decade that smart vacuums started using cameras to capture photocells so they could identify specific objects and map their environment. Now, robotic vacuums with built-in cameras are on the rise. Let’s talk about what a camera does in your robot housekeeper and how camer
How To Clean A Robot Vacuum To Improve Its Performance?
A robot vacuum is ideally supposed to be a hands-free device, so it can be tempting to avoid maintaining it. Yet, giving it regular cleans is essential if you want to keep your trusty robotic floor cleaner performing at its best. Over time, dirt, dust and other debris can build up in the nooks and crannies of the machine, causing it to lose suction power and efficiency. But fear not! With the right tools and a little know-how, you can keep your robot vacuum running smoothly for years to come. In