How Do I Add A Robot Vacuum To Google Home?
How Do I Add A Robot Vacuum To Google Home?
You might be aware of the smart home trend that is sweeping the world, serving as a central hub, Google Home simplifies the management of various smart devices in your home. This, of course, includes robotic vacuums too, so you can start cleaning sessions and perform other actions with voice commands through Google Assistant, or the app. With such convenience, it's no surprise that more people are opting for vacuum models compatible with smart home systems, leaving behind those that lack th
Are Robot Vacuums With Mops Worth It?
As smart home technology continues to gain ground in UK, with the market projected to reach US£8.67bn in 2024, it's clear that convenience is a priority. The ability to control home features such as climate and security remotely has proven its value in easing the hectic pace of modern life. One such innovation is robot vacuums with mops: these gadgets promise to streamline cleaning by performing both tasks simultaneously. But are they worth the buzz? How do they compare to traditiona
How And Where To Repair Robot Vacuum?
Appliances like robot vacuum cleaners aim to make cleaning a hands-free process, thereby helping people spend less time on housekeeping tasks. So, it can be frustrating when these devices face issues while operating, sometimes requiring them to be repaired. According to industry research report specialists IBISWorld, the computer and electronic equipment repair industry — which includes smart vacuums — in the United Kingdom reached an estimated £958.8 million in 2023, and is p
How To Choose A Robot Vacuum And Mop?
Let's face it, regularly cleaning the house is a drag: it's not just boring; it’s also pretty time-consuming. Indeed, folks in Australia on average vacuum their homes about six times a month, dusting four times, and mopping three times – usually right around dinner time, as statistics have revealed. But what if you could make this whole process easier? With the development of smart home technology, robotic vacuum cleaners are now available with mopping functions. These combo
How Often Should I Empty My Robot Vacuum Cleaner?
Housework is a time-consuming activity as it involves cleaning the home, doing the laundry, and cooking on a regular basis. In fact, ONS analysis of time use data shows that women put in more than double the proportion of unpaid work2 when it comes to cooking, childcare and housework. On average men do 16 hours a week of such unpaid work, which includes adult care and child care, laundry and cleaning, to the 26 hours of unpaid work done by women a week. If you want to reduce the amount of tim
How Do Robot Vacuums Work with Alexa & What Can They Do?
Amazon's cloud-based voice AI - Alexa is taking the world by storm. Available on over 100 million devices globally, it allows you to streamline daily tasks through simple voice commands, from playing music to dimming lights. This includes controlling automatic vacuums : just speak, and your home starts to tidy itself, which is a significant leap from traditional models that require manual setup. Why Choose an Alexa-Compatible Robot Vacuum? Opting for an Alexa-compatible robot v