How Do I Add A Robot Vacuum To Google Home?


google nest smart speaker with google home

You might be aware of the smart home trend that is sweeping the world, serving as a central hub, Google Home simplifies the management of various smart devices in your home. This, of course, includes robotic vacuums too, so you can start cleaning sessions and perform other actions with voice commands through Google Assistant, or the app. With such convenience, it's no surprise that more people are opting for vacuum models compatible with smart home systems, leaving behind those that lack this feature.

Why Choose a Robot Vacuum With Google Home?

Choosing a robotic vacuum cleaner compatible with Google Home adds an extra layer of convenience and advanced control that makes home management simpler and smarter.

Firstly, integration with Google Home reduces the need to juggle multiple apps for different devices. With everything controlled from one central hub, you can easily manage your smart vacuum alongside other smart home devices like lighting, TVs, and refrigerators. This not only saves time but also enhances the overall efficiency of your daily routines.

Moreover, it allows for more personalised scheduling. Imagine having your vacuum start cleaning automatically and other appliances, such as lights and air conditioners, turning off when you leave the house – saving energy and effort.

The hands-free operation is another significant advantage. Through voice commands, you can remotely control the vacuum without lifting a finger, making it ideal for individuals who may find physical operation challenging, such as seniors or individuals with disabilities. Ultimately, a robot vacuum integrated with Google Home transforms cleaning from a chore into a part of your smart home ecosystem.

Which Robot Vacuums Work With Google Home?

deebot x2 omni robot vacuum charing at omni docking station

Most robot vacuums with smartphone apps are compatible with Google Home for voice commands via Google Assistant. However, the extent of compatibility depends on the brand and model: some can only be instructed to start, pause and stop, while others allow for mode changes from low suction to max power.

For DEEBOT owners, the good news is that all DEEBOT vacuums work with Google Home. Take the DEEBOT X2 OMNI as an example; this model features a powerful 8,000 Pa suction 1 and an OZMO Turbo 2.0 Rotating Mopping system, perfect for tackling tough dirt and stubborn stains. Its advanced navigation with TrueMapping 3.0 technology, AIVI 3D 2.0 obstacle avoidance technology, and a self-emptying OMNI station further establish it as a high-performance, efficient cleaning companion for any smart home.

How To Connect Robot Vacuum To Google home?

Connecting your robot vacuum to Google Home is straightforward, and the procedure applies to all devices, regardless of brand or model. Let's use DEEBOT as an example to guide you through the steps:

  1. Before starting, ensure your DEEBOT is connected to the ECOVACS Home App and remains online.
  2. Download and open the Google Home App.
  3. Tap the "+" in the top left corner to access the “Add and manage” section.
  4. Choose “Set up device” and select “Works with Google”.
  5. Search for "ECOVACS" in the provided search field.
  6. Time to authorise your account. You will be directed to a login page; simply log in using your ECOVACS Home App account details.
  7. Once account linking is authorised, you’ll see a list of compatible auto vacuums. Select your preferred DEEBOT model.
  8. Then set up the device properly. Choose the Home and room where you’d like to place your vacuum.
  9. Assign a name to your DEEBOT to simplify voice commands – this is particularly useful if you have multiple devices.
  10. The setup is completed! Return to the Home page to find your DEEBOT’s icon, and tap it to access additional settings to further customise your device.

If you have more than one robotic vacuum cleaner, it's a good practice to give each one a distinct name. This allows Google Home to identify and control the correct device when you issue your commands. Use a unique name rather than a person's name to avoid confusion with personal contacts in your Google account.

How To Control Robot Vacuum With Google Home?

deebot robot vacuum automatically cleaning while woman taking a nap

Controlling your robot vacuum with Google Home is incredibly simple and efficient with voice commands. Here's a rundown of some basic voice commands that work with virtually any model integrated with Google Home:

● "Hey Google, start cleaning/vacuuming"

● "Hey Google, stop cleaning/vacuuming"

● "Hey Google, pause cleaning/vacuuming"

● "Hey Google, resume cleaning/vacuuming"

● "Hey Google, is my vacuum charging?"

● "Hey Google, is my vacuum docked?"

● "Hey Google, tell my vacuum to go home"

If you own advanced models like DEEBOTs, which feature smart mapping, the voice commands can become more specific and functional:

● To clean a specific area, say "Hey Google, clean the kitchen"

● To locate your vacuum if it’s out of sight, say "Hey Google, where is my vacuum?"

DEEBOT's quick mapping features also allow for detailed customisations. You can label rooms, clean specific areas, or set boundaries, all controlled via voice. For example:

● "Hey Google, tell DEEBOT to vacuum and mop under the coffee table in the living room"

● "Hey Google, tell DEEBOT not to clean the bedroom until 6pm"

Why Isn't My Robot Vacuum Connecting to Google home?

Don’t get frustrated when your smart vacuum is not connecting to Google Home – if the issue falls into these common categories: detection failures, sporadic connections, account linking errors, electronic disruptions, command execution problems, and error alerts, it may just require a quick fix.

Robot Vacuum Fail To Detect Google Home

If your auto vacuum fails to detect Google Home, weak Wi-Fi signals or connections being blocked by thick doors and walls could be the issue. To fix this, place a signal amplifier in the room, or relocate the vacuum to a room with a strong Wi-Fi connection.

Sporadic Connection Failures

What happens when the vacuum and Google Home device connect, but the connection isn't stable? These interruptions often stem from weak Wi-Fi signals or electronic interference. To resolve this, try strengthening your Wi-Fi network or moving your router closer to both devices for a more stable connection.

Account Linking Errors

Got a new ECOVACS account or just update your password? This can lead to account linking errors. Simply remove the device from the Google Home app, then re-enter your login credentials to reset your account link, ensuring all details are correct and up to date.

Disruption from Nearby Electronics

When you have more than one smart device at home, it can interfere with the connection between your robotic vacuum cleaner and Google Home. Relocating your vacuum or other electronic devices, and creating clear paths between your devices can significantly improve connectivity.

Ineffective Execution of Google Home Commands

Unclear voice commands or misconfigured settings can lead to ineffective execution of commands. Make sure your commands are clear and concise; for example, avoid giving commands while using a hairdryer. Also, double-check your Google Home settings for any discrepancies that might affect command recognition.

Error Messages or Alerts on Robot Vacuum

Did you get error messages or alerts on your machine? Check the device for any error codes and refer to the user manual for troubleshooting steps. Often, a simple reset or clearing of the vacuum’s memory can rectify these issues effectively.


Can Google Home control multiple robot vacuums?

Yes, Google Home can control multiple smart vacuums. It is recommended to assign unique names to each vacuum to manage them individually through voice commands or the app.

Can any robot vacuum work with Google Home?

Not all automatic vacuums are compatible with Google Home. The majority of vacuums with smartphone apps are compatible with Google Home, and it’s best to check its compatibility before purchasing one.

Are there any privacy concerns with integrating my robot vacuum with Google Home?

Yes, most privacy concerns revolve around the recording and reviewing of users' voice data via Google Assistant. Although Google has suspended human review of audio recordings, if you are still cautious, you can review and update your Google Account settings at any time to choose what you share with your Assistant, or turn off voice activity in the Google Home app.


  1. 8,000Pa: This data comes from ECOVACS laboratory. The suction power of DEEBOT X2 OMNI can reach 8,000Pa.

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