Glasovna kontrola


YIKO pojednostavljuje složene funkcije koje vaš robotski usisavač DEEBOT X1 može riješiti u vašem kućanstvu. Uz jednostavnu glasovnu naredbu, može pomoći u izvođenju brzog mapiranja, prilagođavanju volumena usisavanja ili vode i omogućavanju pristupa drugim postavkama.

YIKO može raditi s kreiranim 3D kartama, uključujući sve atribute sobe i informacije o kućanstvu prikazane na virtualnom domu. To vam omogućuje da DEEBOT-om X1 upravljate u svim kutovima kuće koristeći prirodni govor. Možete zamoliti usisavač da očisti prostor ispod sofe u dnevnoj sobi, spavaćoj sobi itd

YIKO kombinira glasovno pozicioniranje s razumijevanjem prirodnog jezika (NLU). S jednom rečenicom, ECOVACS usisavač može točno locirati i premjestiti se na vašu lokaciju kako bi usisao ili obrisao područje.
Preporučene naredbe
Auto Clean
"Start cleaning now"
"Begin cleaning"
"Clean my house"
Quick Mapping
"Start quick mapping"
"Make a new map"
Area Cleaning
"Mop the kitchen"
"Vacuum the bedroom and living room"
"Clean room 1 and the kitchen"
Funiture Area Cleaning
"Start vacuuming under the sofa"
"Vacuum around the shoe rack"
"Go mop the floor around the living room sofa"
Come clean here
"Come clean here"
Do not clean the area
"Don't vacuum here"
"Do not clean here for now"
"Pause vacuuming"
"Continue task"
"Stop vacuuming"
"Stop cleaning"
Return to the Station
"Return to charge"
"Return to base station"
Exit the Station
"Exit base station"
"Exit from base station"
Wash the mopping pad
"Clean the mopping pads"
"Start washing the mopping pads"
Dry the mopping pad
"Start air drying"
"Dry mopping pads"
Station Self-Cleaning
"Start self-cleaning"
"Self-cleaning mode"
Auto Empty
"Start auto-emptying"
"Auto empty"
Suction Power Setttings
"Turn suction up one level"
"Switch to standard mode"
Water Flow Settings
"Increase water flow"
"Turn flow to level 2"
Volumne Settings
"Turn up the volume"
"Set volume to 50"
Battery Level Check
"How much power is left?"
Suction Power c
"What level is the suction at?"
Water Flow Check
"What level is the water flow at?"
Volume Check
"What is volume currently?"
Location Check
"Where are you?"
Task Check
"What are you doing right now?"
Accessory Check
"Have consumables expired?"
Function Check
"What kind of things can you do?"